Duration 6:00

Wangi Anti Pahit Resep Garlic Oil Tanpa Pengawet Tahan Lama.

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30.1 K
Published 29 Jan 2020

***English description is at the bottom section.*** Matikan subtitle: Settings - Subtitle/CC - Off 00:00 : intro 00:47 : persiapan bahan (prepping the ingredients) 01:34 : mulai memasak (start of cook) 04:03 : garlic oil siap digunakan (garlic oil is ready to serve) =================== [INDONESIAN] Garlic Oil atau Minyak Bawang Putih biasanya digunakan sebagai bahan campuran masakan. Bisa dicampur dengan sup, tumisan, nasi goreng, pasta, bakmi, bahkan untuk aneka chinese food. Tentunya lebih praktis, menambah aroma dan cita rasa masakan. Garlic Oil ini bisa tahan sampai dengan 4 minggu di suhu ruangan. Resep Garlic Oil Bahan: 8 siung bawang putih, cincang halus 2 cm jahe, parut 100 ml minyak goreng Garam sesuai selera Langkah: 1. Panaskan minyak di api kecil 2. Masukkan bawang putih & jahe, masak hingga kekuningan tapi tidak gosong 3. Tambahkan sedikit garam 4. Simpan di toples yang bersih dan kering agar Garlic Oil tetap awet =================== [ENGLISH] Bitterless, Aromatic! Garlic Oil Recipe without Preservative Garlic Oil is commonly used for as a mixture of cooking ingredients. Added on soup, stir-fried, fried rice, pasta, noodles, even for various Chinese food. A simple way to enhance aroma and flavor. Garlic Oil can hold up to 4 weeks at room temperature. Garlic Oil Recipe Ingredients: 8 cloves garlic, finely chopped 2 cm ginger, grated 100ml cooking oil Salt, own's preferences Steps: 1. Heat oil on low heat 2. Add garlic & ginger, cook until turns yellow not burnt 3. Add a pinch of salt 4. Store in a clean and dry jar so that Garlic Oil can last longer =================== Official Site: https://www.devinahermawan.com/ Instagram: https://instagram.com/devinahermawan Business inquiries: contact@devinahermawan.com Don’t reupload our content but you can share our videos. Production 2020 © Copyrights by Devina Hermawan. #ResepBawangPutih #ResepGarlicOil #ResepMinyakBawangPutih #ResepPenyedapRasaAlami #ResepMinyakBawang #ResepMinyakBawangUntukMieAyam #MinyakBawangPutihGoreng #GarlicOil #ResepChineseFood #ChickenCharsiu #AyamPanggangMadu #MasterchefIndonesia #DevinaHermawan


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